Kiskeya Indigenous Territories Association

Grow your Family Tree on Peaceful Land.

What Could be Hidden Under your Family Tree?

According to many sources Kiskeya's mineral potential is:

Description of the image

barrel of crude oil, according from WoldAtlas

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of gold, according to Majescor Ressources

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metric tons of copper, according to Eurasia

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of irridium according to NASA

Land Protection

As a property manager, Kiskeya Indigenous Territories protect, manage, and maximize the returns on potentially mineral-rich family lands for the Haitian diaspora.

Step 1: Immediate Land Protection 🛡️
We defend your family's mineral-rich land from government land grabs by converting it into an asset under a U.S. living trust.🔐

Step 2: Medium-Term Rights Assurance 🌍
We uphold your resource rights in accordance with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People. 📜

Step 3: Long-Term Ownership Security 🔒
We explore the potential of an allodial title attribution and affirm your absolute and undisputed ownership of your family land. 🌳🏰

Step 4: Immutable Record Keeping 📚
Using blockchain technology, we maintain an immutable record of your titles, ensuring the integrity of land ownership records. 💻🔗

Start a Family Tree      Geolocate Your Land

Press & Media

About Kiskeya's Minerals

Start a Family Tree      Geolocate Your Land

Uniting Ancestral Wisdom with Modern Technology at $Kiskeya

Embrace Your Heritage, Shape Your Future


Ancestral Rights Meets Blockchain

We're fusing your ancestral land rights with cutting-edge blockchain technology, aiming to elevate and protect your family's heritage.


Economic Growth & Legacy Security

Our ecosystem is crafted to drive economic growth and empower self-governance, ensuring your family and future generations inherit a prosperous and secure legacy.


Empowering Global Indigenous Freedom

We're here to empower your participation in commerce and travel with ease, enriching your homeland and paving the path to a brighter future for your descendants.


Guarding Lands, Fostering Growth

Join us at $Capland, where we protect lands, nurture clan growth, and solidify lasting legacies. We honor our historical roots while embracing a future filled with promise.

Start a Family Tree      Geolocate Your Land

Click on the shield to discover the naturals resources and minerals hidden under Haiti's land

Map of Haiti's Ressources